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Children's Ministry


​​Nursery (ages 0-3)

Jesus once said, "Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." Okay, maybe he wasn't talking about being a parent of young children, but he could have been! Our nursery is here to offer you rest as you worship with us, and also to reflect the care and kindness of God to your children.


Our nursery is located in one of the classrooms at Cadillac High School, just down the hall from where our worship services are held. Each Sunday morning we clear the room of its furniture and supplies and build our portable nursery, which includes padded flooring, rocking chairs, a diaper changing station, cribs, playmats, an activity table, and toys for the kids to play with. Our nursery volunteers will also lead the older children in songs and an interactive Bible story. If you would like to see our nursery room before checking in your child, just ask one of our volunteers. We would be happy to show you!


Sunday School (ages 4-10)

"The Scriptures are shallow enough for a babe to come and drink without fear of drowning and deep enough for a theologian to swim in without ever touching the bottom.” We believe this with all our heart! Sunday School is an opportunity for children to be introduced to the Gospel through age-appropriate Bible lessons, discussion time, and learning activities. Click here to learn more about the curriculum we use.


Sunday School takes place during the sermon and lasts approximately 35 minutes. Children will worship with their family in the auditorium, be dismissed for Sunday School during the sermon, then return to the service with their teachers for the final songs of the service. You will pick up your child at the Check-In Station at the conclusion of the service.


Check-In Station

To send your children to Nursery or Sunday School, stop by the Check-In Station in the main hallway. There you can meet our team of volunteers and get your children registered. Our check-in process ensures they will be safely cared for during the worship service and released back to the approved adult(s) after the service. 


We take your children's safety seriously. Every volunteer has been screened and trained by our partners MinistrySafe.


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